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Friday, July 17, 2015

Celebrate the Small Things!

Yep, it's Friday, and time for another episode of Celebrate The Small Things!!!

This is a weekly blog hop sponsored by the amazingLexa Cain, and co-hosted by L.G. Keltner from Writing Off the Edge and myself.  The purpose: to help us remember all those wonderful, little things that put a smile on our faces this past week. (and big ones too.)

You can sign-up on the linky below!

This week has been a crazy-sauce week. . .you know, those weeks where one spends most of the time driving from one spot to the other and isn't sure what one got accomplished? But here's what I'm celebrating:

1)  A cute, 50's cafe! We went to a small town near here named Ava, where they have an old fashioned cafe. It was fun to jet back in time, especially with the prices. Scoop of ice cream is 25 cents (with 15 flavors to choose from). Large soft drink is 25 cents. And hot tea is 5 cents.  Although in the video, everything was still 5 cents...yeah, you heard the right...now, its 25 cents. Inflation ;) But my pocket book still did a happy dance!

2) (FB followers will have seen this one ;) ). A hawk landed on my patio to enjoy a mid-day snack but got his foot stuck in the process. It took me an hour or so to free him (not an easy bird to mess with). He was beautiful.

3) Evenings! Now, with the weather really heating up--gosh, I hate sweating all of the time--it's so nice to go outside in the evenings and simply sit there a few minutes with a iced drink and enjoy whatever cooler temperatures drift by. Lol! Okay, usually these 'sit' sessions are lucky to last more than 5-10 minutes, but I take what I can get.

And what about you? What wonderful things put a smile on your face? A rainbow in an unexpected place? Find a super book? Get a kind word from a stranger? What are you celebrating?


  1. An old fashioned cafe sounds awesome! Did the hawk try to peck you? What a beautiful creature. Have a nice weekend.

    1. No pecking. I didn't get that close. I used a very long stick to jab at the area around his foot, praying it'd be enough to get him free. Prayers answered!

  2. What a beautiful hawk! Good thing you were there to help him!

  3. That cafe sounds amazing! And amazingly cheap, even with inflation, =P

    What a beautiful hawk. That would be a bit scary, getting it free, but glad you were about to do it, =)

    1. I love those old cafes. Too bad they took the juke box out last month. THAT would have been neat.

  4. Every now and then a hawk perches on a tree in our backyard (and all the little songbirds and doves pack up and leave until he's gone.) They are beautiful creatures, and I'm glad you freed him, but that was certainly brave of you! You don't mess with hawks.

    I'm celebrating an interview at Rachna's Scriptorium about my book, Imogene and the Case of the Missing Pearls. And I'm also celebrating meeting our house-sitters' three-week-old baby, Owen, earlier this week. Got to hole him, too. He's just adorable.

    1. They are amazing creatures. . .and he definitely had my respect (and distance).
      Congrats on the interview!

  5. Such a pretty hawk! Poor little guy. Glad you were there to free him. I imagine it would have taken me a while as well.

    Dude, that cafe is freaking awesome! 25 cents is insane!! We need more of those.

    1. Lol! I was thinking the same thing about the cafe. Wonder if any rich angel would want to help finance a chain. I'd count you in ;)

  6. Oh wow, what a beautiful bird! It must have been amazing to see him so close up. Have a great weekend :)

    1. He looked so fuzzy and sweet. Although I know how dangerous they are. A neat moment.

  7. A '50s cafe! How wonderful :) And am so glad you are e joying your evenings. A great time to unwind and relax and prepare for the next day:)

  8. Late evenings are beautiful in the summer. And only 25 cents for ice cream or a soft drink? Awesomeness.

    1. I just wish we could enjoy them more often. One tends to run around too much.

  9. 25 cents for ice cream and other things too? How can they stay in business? You're very brave to have gotten the hawk loose yourself. Those talons and beak are dangerous. I hope you have a lovely weekend! :)

    1. I wonder how they keep up too, but they've been there forever. Lol! Yeah, those talons and beak bothered me. I found the longest stick possible and was really hoping he'd be more interested in getting away than getting at me when free...if nothing else, I'd beat him with the stick and run and scream.

  10. So pleased you managed to free the bird. That cafe sounds fantastic!

  11. Is that YOU and your son in the video?? :-O I think this is the first time I've actually "seen" you. And yeah--how DOES that place stay in business? As for sweating all the time . . . you doez not have air-conditioning on the inside? *scratches head*

    My own face is smiling b/c I'm planning on trying out a new Thai food place after wrestling with many self-publishing technical things. *collapses*

    1. Lol! No, that's not me or my son. I haven't a clue who those people are. I was just going for the cafe ;) Sorry to disappoint. And as to air-conditioning. Nope. Ours is broke. We're on air conditioning repair man #3 right now. #1 insisted too broke to fix and need new one for several thousand (jerk.) # 2 found the problem (bad a-coil) but wants $1600 for replacement. So #3 was recommended to us since good but cheap, and he has a major problem returning phone calls. By the time we get it fixed, Fall will be here. Grrr...problems of living in the middle of no where.
      Enjoy the Thai!

  12. Great celebrations! I'm glad you were able to rescue that hawk!

  13. The last two weeks *should* have been sad ones, what with the death of my grandfather, my grieving mother, the funeral, and the need to empty out his house because it was very quickly sold. However, I saw many relatives I don't normally get to see, including some from halfway across the country. And cleaning out my grandparents' house unearthed many, many joyful memories. My own house now contains some of those treasured items, and so I am celebrating the joyfulness within the sadness and the unearthing of happy memories.

  14. This past week was actually really good for me - I've made a lot of great editing progress on my book, had a good night out with friends, and I not only applied to a job I really want but heard back from them and I'm currently going through the application process. ^_^ Hoping it all works out well.

  15. It must have been quite an endeavour to free that hawk but nice to have one visit. I've only seen them in bird sanctuaries! Hope your weekend was good too.

  16. SO glad you helped the hawk! And great to hear it gave you joy to do so :)


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