I'm almost late, but I can't let the holidays slip by without wishing you all a very merry Christmas! Hope your day was lovely and touched by all those things which make this day as special as it is.
Friday, December 25, 2015
Friday, December 18, 2015
Celebrate The Small Things
Another week has gone by, but I'm not chalking it off yet. First, it's time to look back and see what wonderful things went on this last week. It's time to. . .
This is a weekly blog hop sponsored by the amazing Lexa Cain, and co-hosted by L.G. Keltner from Writing Off the Edge and myself. Every week, wonderful things happen, tiny things, which make us smile. But as time grabs us up, we forget all about those moments. This is the chance for us to reflect back on those and remember that there are tons of things worth celebrating.
If you'd like to join in and add a little more joy to your week, then go ahead and sign-up on the linky below!
This week, I'm celebrating. . .
1) Christmas Vacation! This is the last day of school for the kids. . .well, if you could call today school. They were already watching Christmas movies yesterday. So I doubt they'll have much learning to do today either. But then it's home for the holidays!
2) My tractor has a cute trailer! I wanted to show you a picture, but I can't find my hub's camera....so, I'll have to post this next week. But I found a little trailer to pull behind my tractor, and it makes hauling hay to the cows and firewood to the house SO much easier. Believe it or not, I was doing it with a wheel barrow before (up and down a hill). It burnt those calories, I guess, but pushing that thing around got old fast.
3) Scented Wax! I've been burning this more the last couple days and am enjoying the lovely odors.
4) Love notes from my daughter! My little eight-year-old has been writing mini-letters every night and placing them on the bed--always with hearts and how much she loves me. *sigh* If only these wonderful thoughts would hold all the way through those up-coming teenage years.
And since I didn't get a picture of our Christmas tree yet, here's one.
It's nothing special, a collection of whatever ornaments have survived the last twenty years...a mish-mash. But it's ten feet tall (now, that we have elevated ceilings I insisted on one that goes to the tippy top). So my husband tried for a panorama shot, which explains why the picture is so long.
And what about you? What wonderful things are you celebrating this week? Sit on Santa's lap? Eat a candy cane? Build up your secret spy cameras to get a shot of that sneaky sleigh when Christmas comes??? (Hmmm...now, I'm wondering why my kids haven't thought of this yet.)
What put a smile on your face this last week?
This is a weekly blog hop sponsored by the amazing Lexa Cain, and co-hosted by L.G. Keltner from Writing Off the Edge and myself. Every week, wonderful things happen, tiny things, which make us smile. But as time grabs us up, we forget all about those moments. This is the chance for us to reflect back on those and remember that there are tons of things worth celebrating.
If you'd like to join in and add a little more joy to your week, then go ahead and sign-up on the linky below!
This week, I'm celebrating. . .
1) Christmas Vacation! This is the last day of school for the kids. . .well, if you could call today school. They were already watching Christmas movies yesterday. So I doubt they'll have much learning to do today either. But then it's home for the holidays!
2) My tractor has a cute trailer! I wanted to show you a picture, but I can't find my hub's camera....so, I'll have to post this next week. But I found a little trailer to pull behind my tractor, and it makes hauling hay to the cows and firewood to the house SO much easier. Believe it or not, I was doing it with a wheel barrow before (up and down a hill). It burnt those calories, I guess, but pushing that thing around got old fast.
3) Scented Wax! I've been burning this more the last couple days and am enjoying the lovely odors.
4) Love notes from my daughter! My little eight-year-old has been writing mini-letters every night and placing them on the bed--always with hearts and how much she loves me. *sigh* If only these wonderful thoughts would hold all the way through those up-coming teenage years.
And since I didn't get a picture of our Christmas tree yet, here's one.
It's nothing special, a collection of whatever ornaments have survived the last twenty years...a mish-mash. But it's ten feet tall (now, that we have elevated ceilings I insisted on one that goes to the tippy top). So my husband tried for a panorama shot, which explains why the picture is so long.
And what about you? What wonderful things are you celebrating this week? Sit on Santa's lap? Eat a candy cane? Build up your secret spy cameras to get a shot of that sneaky sleigh when Christmas comes??? (Hmmm...now, I'm wondering why my kids haven't thought of this yet.)
What put a smile on your face this last week?
Friday, December 11, 2015
Celebrate the Small Things
It's Friday again!!! Yep, it really, really is.
And that means it's time for another edition of. . .
This is a weekly blog hop sponsored by the amazing Lexa Cain, and co-hosted by L.G. Keltner from Writing Off the Edge and myself. Every week, wonderful things happen, tiny things, which make us smile. But as time grabs us up, we forget all about those moments. This is the chance for us to reflect back on those and remember that there are tons of things worth celebrating.
If you'd like to join in and add a little more joy to your week, then go ahead and sign-up on the linky below!
This week, I'm celebrating (and quickly this week. . .sorry if it feels hasty)
1) Cookies! I don't think that one needs any explanation.
2) Christmas Trees! Ours is finally up.
3) Fog. This isn't something I always celebrate, but there is a beauty. . .mystery to it that is wonderful.
And what about you? What are you celebrating this week?
Thursday, December 10, 2015
Cover Reveal - The Carnelian Destiny, Through the Vortex by Cheryl Koevoet
I'm SO excited to help a friend of mine (blogger, writer, and simply an awesome woman) give the world the first peek at the last book in her trilogy, THE CARNELIAN LEGACY.
I really wish I had some sound effects here, but imagine an amazing drum roll. . .
Here, it is. . .
Cheryl Koevoet's upcoming release. . .
On the eve of the royal wedding, a mysterious missive arrives at the castle, threatening to cast a shadow over Darian and Marisa’s joyful celebration. And as they prepare to embark on the honeymoon trip of a lifetime, dark forces of the Apollyon Order are mustering in the east; calling upon an ancient, evil beast with the power to destroy the stronghold of Crocetta. In danger of losing everything, Marisa and Darian must enlist the help of the Crimson Knights from all over the Carnelian world to defend their kingdom. But this time, it might not be enough.
This beautiful cover was designed by Najla Qamber of Najla Qamber Designs.
She's over at http://www. najlaqamberdesigns.com or https://www.facebook.com/ Najla-Qamber-Designs- 152137158206447/?fref=ts
You can find out more about this wonderful book, Cheryl or the rest of the trilogy at:
If you haven't read the first two yet (and you really should because this series is packed full of it all--portals, realms, monsters, knights, princesses, hot princes, romance, battles...), it's your lucky day because the first one has just come out as audiobook and is running at a special, low price. To take a peek, simply click on the image.
I really wish I had some sound effects here, but imagine an amazing drum roll. . .
Here, it is. . .
Cheryl Koevoet's upcoming release. . .
On the eve of the royal wedding, a mysterious missive arrives at the castle, threatening to cast a shadow over Darian and Marisa’s joyful celebration. And as they prepare to embark on the honeymoon trip of a lifetime, dark forces of the Apollyon Order are mustering in the east; calling upon an ancient, evil beast with the power to destroy the stronghold of Crocetta. In danger of losing everything, Marisa and Darian must enlist the help of the Crimson Knights from all over the Carnelian world to defend their kingdom. But this time, it might not be enough.
This beautiful cover was designed by Najla Qamber of Najla Qamber Designs.
She's over at http://www.
You can find out more about this wonderful book, Cheryl or the rest of the trilogy at:
Carnelian Legacy Facebook Fan Page: http://www.facebook.com/ carnelianlegacy
Author Cheryl Koevoet Facebook Fan Page: http://www.facebook.com/ AuthorCherylKoevoet
Twitter: @CherylKoevoet
If you haven't read the first two yet (and you really should because this series is packed full of it all--portals, realms, monsters, knights, princesses, hot princes, romance, battles...), it's your lucky day because the first one has just come out as audiobook and is running at a special, low price. To take a peek, simply click on the image.
Friday, December 4, 2015
Celebrate Those Small Things!
It's Friday again!!! Yep, it really, really is.
And that means it's time for another edition of. . .
This is a weekly blog hop sponsored by the amazing Lexa Cain, and co-hosted by L.G. Keltner from Writing Off the Edge and myself. Every week, wonderful things happen, tiny things, which make us smile. But as time grabs us up, we forget all about those moments. This is the chance for us to reflect back on those and remember that there are tons of things worth celebrating.
If you'd like to join in and add a little more joy to your week, then go ahead and sign-up on the linky below!
This week, I'm celebrating. . .
1) Weihnachtsstollen! This is a delicious German bread . . .a bit like fruitcake but I so much better. . .which is traditionally baked this time of year. I wanted to give some to our neighbors (such wonderful people!), so I baked four. Then hubs came home wanting two more. So it was six. Hey, but my parents need one, the mail woman is so sweet and needs one too, and. . .
As you can see, this quickly took on new meaning. Momentarily, there are ten breads sitting on my counter. Most will be given away this weekend already (a little early) because I just can't fit them all in my fridge. I'm betting that I'm not done yet.
2) A great book! I got the chance to review a middle grade book this week, one I wasn't so sure about. And it was AMAZING! It's WEIRD by Theresa Jones. You'll see it on my sidebar today (Friday), but head on over if you know some middle grade reading rats because this one deserves a huge shout-out and I doubt it's getting it.
3) Frost. Okay, this one is pretty chilly in the morning. But when I gaze out my window over the valley and see the lovely coat of white. . .*sigh* So pretty.
4) Parades! This one is still coming. Tomorrow. But the entire week has been buzzing around this fun, small town experience. My hub's company is building their last minute float (three rugged men, scrambling to get something together, welding like crazy. . ) but they usually win second or third prize. Needless to say, he's been coming home really late at night. Then, my daughter was voted to Miss Christmas of the Junior Class (75%! vote) She's not in the popular crowd, but she's loved by all misfits, nerds and geeks (which falls close to my heart, since I always knew the power really lies with this crowd--*fistbump*). Anyway, she had to organize a convertible, an escort, a driver. . .I hope she doesn't freeze her tail off in that dress.
And that's the crazy week here.
What about you? What put a smile on your face this last week?
Catch a snowflake on your tongue? Get some Christmas shopping done? See a beautifully decorated tree? Get a glimpse of Santa's reindeer?
What are you celebrating this week?
Thursday, December 3, 2015
Guest post: L.G. Keltner and Self-Help 101 or: How I Learned to Take Over the World Through Tolerating My Family
I’d like to start by thanking Tonja Drecker for letting me stop by to promote my Christmas novella Self-Help 101 or: How I Learned to Take Over the World Through Tolerating My Family.
In order to celebrate the holiday that inspired this latest book, I’d like to talk a little about eggnog. I’ve been drinking eggnog since I could hold a cup (the non-alcoholic version, of course), and Christmas isn’t Christmas unless I’ve had some. It seems to be one of those drinks people either love or hate. I can’t think of anyone I know who has a neutral opinion of it.
Now, the narrator of my novella is seventeen, so clearly she’s not supposed to be having any alcohol in her eggnog, but if you decide to have the harder version (whether it’s because you want to kick back and relax after a hard day of cooking or your family is driving you up the wall), what kind should you have? A lot of recipes I’ve seen have called for bourbon or spiced rum, and I heard from someone I know that peppermint schnapps is good in eggnog. I haven’t tried that one personally, but it sounds like a bold choice.
Are you a fan of eggnog? If so, how do you prefer to drink yours?
Now I hope you’ll enjoy a brief snippet from Self-Help 101 or: How I Learned to Take Over the World Through Tolerating My Family.
* * *
Then she turned her attention to my dad, who looked like he was trying to shoot tranquilizer darts at me with his eyes.
Yeah, he might have asked me beforehand to play nice and not stir anything up. In my defense, he should have known that would’ve been impossible.
* * *
Title: Self-Help 101 or: How I Learned to Take Over the World Through Tolerating My Family
Author: L.G. Keltner
Genre: Holiday/Humor
Length: 27,000
Cover Art: L.G. Keltner
Release Date: December 1, 2015
Dani Finklemeier has decided to write a self-help book about how to take over the world, but she’s not sure where to start. After all, she’s only seventeen and looking for a better way to make money than babysitting. She buys a self-help book that promises to teach her how to write a self-help book in the hope of getting the job done.
Not that it’ll be easy to get any work done this holiday season. Her family is staying at the house for Christmas, and fights break out almost immediately. Dani also has to deal with the fallout from an unexpected kiss with her best friend Seth and the feelings that go along with it. On edge around her family and unsure how to interact with the one person she’s trusted with everything in the past, she can only take what inspiration she can from the crazy circumstances surrounding her and see what happens.
One way or another, it should be an interesting holiday.

L.G. Keltner spends most of her time trying to write while also cleaning up after her crazy but wonderful kids and hanging out with her husband. Her favorite genre of all time is science fiction, and she’s been trying to write novels since the age of six. Needless to say, those earliest attempts weren’t all that good.
Her non-writing hobbies include astronomy and playing Trivial Pursuit.
Purchase Links:
Amazon UK-http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B017NADK4C
Barnes & Noble-http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/self-help-101-or-lg-keltner/1122797603?ean=2940152405781
Add it on Goodreads-https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/27243175-self-help-101-or
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
IWSG - Writing? What's that?
Happy first Wednesday of the month! That also means it's time for another session of IWSG. This is a support group for writers, which gives us a chance to express our fears, insecurities, thoughts or what-nots AND offer encouragement to others. Thanks, Alex J. Cavanaugh, and all of this month's helpers!
Sandra Hoover, Mark Koopmans, Doreen McGettigan, Megan Morgan, and Melodie Campbell!
With Christmas now charging with a full battle call right at us, I'd be lying if I'd say that I expected to get much writing done. So, I'm going to make this a reflection of this last writing year.
No worries. It's going to be a super fast one.
Writing this year. . .was LAME! I did not get much done and inspiration did not abound. I spent the first half of the year on revisions. Okay, it was a total rewrite. And these last months, I've been fumbling through words but not getting much out. Part of that is due to my snail writing speed. (Yep, I'm not a 'jet out a book every two months' kind of person). Part of it is simply that I'm trying to decide where I want to go from here--what my goals are and where I really want to be. And part of it is the realization that life. . .that thing outside of this computer. . .requires a lot of attention, and I can't ignore that. Not yet. Not ever.
In other words, this year did not bring all I'd hoped--a big contract, a huge advance, writing success beyond my wildest expectations. . . *cough* Hey, a girl can dream!
But I did get an entire MS rewritten, polished and out the door. I have another one still out. And I have one short in the final stages, and another MS half-way written. (Shhht! It's a secret that this last one is something I pulled off my 'two-year-old' shelf).
So, I'll call it a year, dive into cookies, sing a few carols and let my writer dreams already head toward next year's goals.
And what about you? How did your year go?
Friday, November 27, 2015
Celebrate the Small Things!
Remember all those things this past week which put a smile on your face? No? Well, now's the time to think back. . .really hard if you have to. . .and reflect on those moments where life suddenly seemed a little brighter, even if that moment passed like the speed of light.
This is a weekly blog hop sponsored by the amazing Lexa Cain, and co-hosted by L.G. Keltner from Writing Off the Edge and myself. If you'd like to join in and add a little more joy to your week, then go ahead and sign-up on the linky below!
This week, I'm celebrating...
1) This one is probably obvious. . . Thanksgiving with family! This was the first Thanksgiving in YEARS where I didn't cook. Now, that my parents have moved nearby, we drove to celebrate with them. Felt odd. And to think that Christmas will be spent this year with them too. Wow.
Since my family tends to be quite the colorful combination of characters. . .my mother surprised us all with something which definitely added to the regular Thanksgiving table conversation.
2) Kids home for several days! They liven up the house and bring all sorts of adventures with them.
3) Electric wood splitter! Seriously, I don't know how I'd get my firewood split without this amazing machine.
4) Writer friends! A few writer friends have been going out of their way to offer support lately. I wish I could send a huge box of chocolate to every single one.
And what about you? What things put a smile on your face this past week?
Friday, November 20, 2015
Celebrate the Small Things
It's time to Celebrate those Small Things!
Think back. . .and maybe you'll have to try very hard. . .but sometime this last week there was something that put a smile on your face. Today, we think back to that moment and remember that it's those small things which make the difference.
This is a weekly blog hop sponsored by the amazing Lexa Cain, and co-hosted by L.G. Keltner from Writing Off the Edge and myself. If you'd like to join in and add a little more joy to your week, then go ahead and sign-up on the linky below!
This week, I'm celebrating (and I'm doing the short version because it's a busy week). . .
1) My and my husband's 20th wedding anniversary!
2) A German food gift from a neighbor. . .they happened to take a visit to Aldi (for anyone who doesn't know, this is actually a grocery store chain from German which just happened to move to the States some years ago and carries German foods among other things)
3) Vension! My husband had his first hunting experience and didn't return empty handed. Which meant a ton of work for me, but now the freezer is full.
4) A successful surgery for my mother-in-law! She's home again and doing great.
And what about you? What wonderful things happened to you this last week? See a last butterfly? A rainbow? Jump into a puddle? Find a great cup of coffee? What small things are you celebrating this week?
Think back. . .and maybe you'll have to try very hard. . .but sometime this last week there was something that put a smile on your face. Today, we think back to that moment and remember that it's those small things which make the difference.
This is a weekly blog hop sponsored by the amazing Lexa Cain, and co-hosted by L.G. Keltner from Writing Off the Edge and myself. If you'd like to join in and add a little more joy to your week, then go ahead and sign-up on the linky below!
This week, I'm celebrating (and I'm doing the short version because it's a busy week). . .
1) My and my husband's 20th wedding anniversary!
2) A German food gift from a neighbor. . .they happened to take a visit to Aldi (for anyone who doesn't know, this is actually a grocery store chain from German which just happened to move to the States some years ago and carries German foods among other things)
3) Vension! My husband had his first hunting experience and didn't return empty handed. Which meant a ton of work for me, but now the freezer is full.
4) A successful surgery for my mother-in-law! She's home again and doing great.
And what about you? What wonderful things happened to you this last week? See a last butterfly? A rainbow? Jump into a puddle? Find a great cup of coffee? What small things are you celebrating this week?
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Happy Book B-day, Collision! by Emma Adams
It's release day for Collision, Book 3 in the universe-hopping urban fantasy Alliance series!
I read this one (was lucky enough to get my hands on an ARC) and LOVED it! This is an exciting series with non-stop action, tons of monsters. . . aliens. . .well, both. And they are dangerous. The heroine, Ada, is snarky, kick-backside and simply makes me want to laugh. And the hero, Kay. . .talk about a guy with secrets! But then, all of them tend to have those.
Anyway- Congratulations, Emma!
On a distant world, where magic-fuelled forces of nature rule over humans, a disaster is sweeping the land, threatening to knock the Balance across the Multiverse out of sync. When Kay and Ada are sent there with the other Ambassadors, they’re thrown into the centre of chaos. Nature is alive, and angry.
Ada embraces the magic she still half-fears, but learning to control it proves harder than she can imagine. Kay, meanwhile, becomes more reckless than ever when testing the boundaries of his own abilities. When faced with living magic, no one is safe from its influence. Ada and Kay must choose what they’re willing to risk for the sake of saving a world that might already be doomed. Can mortals overcome the gods?
Amazon Add on Goodreads
Heart in my throat, I pulled the stunner. Sparks immediately shot from the end, and I winced.
Carl struck at the creature with his stunner. An electric jolt split the smoke and the creature yelped. A creeping feeling curled around my spine, and I turned in time to dodge a second pair of insubstantial fangs as they snapped inches from my head.
I aimed the stunner at the beast and fired, a jet of red-purple lightning sparking off the walls. The creature screamed, but a louder noise overlaid it: a tremendous roar from ahead.
“Watch out!” Carl yelled.
I spun around in time to see an even bigger monstrosity rise from the smoke–red and long-limbed and snarling.
Where did it come from? Stupid how that was my first thought, but panic made me freeze up for a moment. It lashed out in a sea of sparks, and several guards fell, lightning encasing them. Carl swore, backing up, and other two monsters appeared alongside it–where the hell did they come from?
“My stunner’s out!” Carl yelled. “I’m calling for backup–if you run out of shots, just run!”
I had five shots left. Ignoring my pounding heart and shaking limbs, I ran at the nearest creature, which advanced on the fallen guards, and shot it with the stunner. A blast of magic far stronger than the stunner should have hit the creature in the face, sending ripples of magic pulsing outwards–only by pure luck did it miss the guards on the ground. Damn. If it hadn’t been for the adamantine in my blood, the backlash would have probably knocked me out. I wasn’t in control.
“Guys, stay back!” I yelled at two other guards who’d come to stand alongside me. “It’s not stable.”
I’m not stable.
But I had no choice. I struck with the stunner, sending a searing bolt of lightning at the nearest beast. Except the lightning didn’t come from the stunner. It came from my hand.
A nearby guard swore. “I’m out of shots.”
“Take mine,” I said quickly. “I can fight without it.” Magic seemed to want me to.
“Thanks,” he said, blinking like he was surprised I’d give away my weapon, and caught the stunner.
A snarling bundle of red smoke descended on us. How many of these things were there? For every one I knocked down, two more appeared, sparking and trailing smoke. I struck another with a bolt of magic, aiming at the floor to make sure I didn’t hit any of the other guards. The beast dissolved in smoke… and then divided in two. Like some ghastly hydra. Both halves growled at me, sparks flying out from their clawed, smoky red hands.
Shit. I backed away, thinking hard.
A rumbling sounded, and the ground trembled under my feet. What the hell? I’d thought the reinforced floor was impervious to any kind of hit. The magic. It’s got to be the magic. Lucky my shoes were magicproof, too.
“I’m getting outta this corridor!” someone shouted, and the sound of running footsteps clattered on metal.
A growl sounded, but before I could strike the two smoky creatures down, both dissolved into a formless red haze. Through the fog, guards ran everywhere, shouting, while I struck out with magic, to no effect. The magic-creatures had turned themselves into smoke, and it was like trying to beat up a cloud. At least we all looked equally ridiculous, I thought as I spun on the spot in what probably looked like an undignified ballet manoeuvre. Another guard face-planted, while a second tripped over him and brought the two of them crashing into a heap.
And the floor shook again, the smoke coalescing in the centre to form one formidable beast, filling the space from floor to ceiling. A shower of purple-red danced off the walls. I jumped back, but not before a spark grazed my forehead. The pain was more sharp than electric. Wincing, I braced myself against the wall, out of range of the magic. I still couldn’t see the creature. It was made of pure magic, and didn’t have a solid form. But I could feel the energy burning, and it was all concentrated in one place. The monster had pulled all the magic in the area into itself. It has to burn out. It can’t keep going like that.
But the monster didn’t show any signs of slowing down. Stunner shots mingled with the sparks, and inhuman screams told us at least one hit the target. My hands shook too much to risk aiming another magic shot, even as I felt the creature’s magic surging through the air. A bolt of pain shot through my forehead. I reached to touch the skin, and found it blistering hot. I thought magic couldn’t hit me!
But the monster didn’t show any signs of slowing down. Stunner shots mingled with the sparks, and inhuman screams told us at least one hit the target. My hands shook too much to risk aiming another magic shot, even as I felt the creature’s magic surging through the air. A bolt of pain shot through my forehead. I reached to touch the skin, and found it blistering hot. I thought magic couldn’t hit me!
Ever since a devastating magical war tore apart Ada Fletcher's homeworld, she and her family have lived under cover on the low-magic Earth. Stuck in a dead-end job in London, Ada has spent her life hiding her true identity--and her magic. Until she loses her job, is chased by a rampaging monster, and is arrested as a prime suspect for a murder she had nothing to do with. It really isn't Ada's day.
Kay Walker, grandson of the Inter-World Alliance's late founder, expects to spend his first week as an Alliance employee hunting rogue monsters, not solving his supervisor's murder or questioning a strange, fierce young woman caught trespassing in the Passages between worlds. Killer or not, her abilities raise questions about the Alliance's history, and the closer he gets to the truth, the higher the body count rises.
The last thing Ada wants to do is help the infuriating Alliance guard who arrested her, but it soon becomes clear that the Alliance knows too much about Ada's magic. More, in fact, than she knows herself. One thing's certain: she's not the only one keeping secrets, and trusting the wrong person might cost more than her life...
Amazon Add on Goodreads Read the first chapter
What reviewers are saying
"Adams delivers high suspense throughout the whole book and manages to get you emotionally attached to the main characters which keeps you worried at every twist and turn. I basically flew through the action-packed story with its monsters and magic." - Goodreads reviewer
"Adamant is a fantastic start to a fun, adventurous and super cool series... Can't praise it enough!" - Alisha at Reality's A Bore.
Discovering she's a walking magical weapon is just the beginning of Ada's problems.
Joining the Alliance might be the key to seeing the worlds she's always dreamed of, but now Ada's in trouble with her family and her boss has put her on goblin-catching duty. With enemies around every corner and a centaur uprising threatening to bring a bloodbath to Earth's doorstep, the Alliance has their work cut out. While investigating the mysterious death of the centaurs' king, Kay and Ada navigate tensions between humans and centaurs and find the real, deadly potential of magic.
Against an enemy they quite literally can't see, Ada and Kay must face up to the power that almost destroyed their lives...
Amazon Add on Goodreads
The Passages between worlds are out of bounds for a very good reason, but nineteen-year-old Kay Walker sees them as another challenge. Exploring the monster-ridden tunnels offers a thrill nothing on Earth can match. Until a rivalry escalates into a deadly game, and the lure of magic comes with a high price...
Amazon Add on Goodreads
Emma is the author of various fantasy novels, including the universe-hopping urban fantasy Alliance series and the YA paranormal Darkworld series.
Emma spent her childhood creating imaginary worlds to compensate for a disappointingly average reality, so it was probably inevitable that she ended up writing speculative fiction with magic and monsters. She lives in the middle of England, but dreams of exploring the Multiverse. When she's not immersed in her own fictional worlds, Emma works as a freelance editor and proofreader and reads an improbable number of books.
Visit www.emmaladams.com to find out more about Emma's books, or subscribe to her newsletter (smarturl.it/ELAnewsletter) to get a free Alliance short story and monthly updates on upcoming releases.
Website Blog Facebook Twitter Newsletter
Thursday, November 12, 2015
Celebrate the Small Things!
Remember all those things this last week which put a smile on your face? Everyday there's a moment (however tiny) when something nice happens. And now, we remember that!
It's time to Celebrate those Small Things!
This is a weekly blog hop sponsored by the amazing Lexa Cain, and co-hosted by L.G. Keltner from Writing Off the Edge and myself. If you'd like to join in and add a little more joy to your week, then go ahead and sign-up on the linky below!
This week, I'm celebrating. . .
1) Cheese! For some reason, I've had the desire to eat lots of sharp cheddar this week and have loved every bite.
2) Fireplaces! The days are still nice (around 65 degrees), but some of the nights have slid just under freezing. A little wood in that fireplace and I'm a happy girl.
3) My brother! Okay, more my brother offering to help me cut up a fallen down tree! With the heavier winds this week, we've had several branches break and one HUGE tree fall over and tear down a section of my fence. Luckily, my cows are in another pasture for the winter (and barbed wire fences aren't the worst thing in the world to repair, especially since I have an eighteen year old son who likes to show off his muscles *fist bump*) Just thinking of all the firewood we'll have makes me giddy.
And what about you? What are you celebrating this week?
Wednesday, November 11, 2015
Interview with Author Soraya Daise Coffelt
Today, I'm excited to have the author of a brand new children book series stop by here on Kidbits. And she's even agreed to an interview! Soraya Daise Coffelt has so far published three picture books for children ages 3+ in her The Love Letters Book Series. This series offers children the chance to see the true origins behind some of the most important holidays in our culture from a Christian viewpoint. They're super sweet and you can take a glimpse at It's Not About You, Mrs. Turkey over on Bookworm for Kids today.
Plus - all proceeds from the sale of her books go toward the non-profit organization, Stars of the Sky (a foundation she established in 2012 with the goal of finding creative ideas for ministering to children - www.asthestarsofthesky.org).
But before I go any further, I'd like to welcome Soraya! So glad you decided to stop by.

Author Soraya Diase Coffelt is a native of St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands. She is a widow, mother of two sons, lawyer, lay minister, and former judge. She loves ministering to children. Active in her church, she served as a parent volunteer in the children’s ministry and then as a volunteer lay children’s minister and leader for over 15 years. She has also participated in missionary trips to Honduras and the Amazon Region of Peru. Her late husband, Gordon, supported her wholeheartedly.
I'll have to keep my eyes open for that one too, and I can't wait to see what
other holidays you might add to the series. Thanks for stopping by!
If you're curious about the other books in the series, I reviewed It's Not About You, Mr. Pumpkin over on Bookworm for Kids here.
And don't forget about It's Not About You, Mrs. Turkey over on Bookworm for Kids today!
To round it off, you might want to take a peek at It's Not About You, Mr. Santa Claus for the next coming holiday already too . . .
Plus - all proceeds from the sale of her books go toward the non-profit organization, Stars of the Sky (a foundation she established in 2012 with the goal of finding creative ideas for ministering to children - www.asthestarsofthesky.org).
But before I go any further, I'd like to welcome Soraya! So glad you decided to stop by.

Author Soraya Diase Coffelt is a native of St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands. She is a widow, mother of two sons, lawyer, lay minister, and former judge. She loves ministering to children. Active in her church, she served as a parent volunteer in the children’s ministry and then as a volunteer lay children’s minister and leader for over 15 years. She has also participated in missionary trips to Honduras and the Amazon Region of Peru. Her late husband, Gordon, supported her wholeheartedly.
I did a little research and discovered that you're a very active person! A
lawyer, former judge, advocate for bringing improvement to the Virgin
Islands, founder of The Stars in the Sky Foundation, and you're also running
for governor. Oh, and let's not forget being a wonderful mother. With all these building stones in your life, what moved you to write three picture books as well?
Soraya: I was a volunteer lay children's minister at my church for over 15 years. I started out as a parent volunteer because my church needed parents to help in the children's ministry and then I realized that God had given me a gift to work with children and teach His Word in a fun and simple way. I wrote a Christmas play for the children one year, and this eventually became my Mr. Santa Claus book, which was my first book. God has given me many creative ideas, including this series of books.
After learning more about your busy schedule, the next question almost drops down all on its own. Many writers juggle several hats and are constantly searching for time to write. How do you do it?
Soraya: I intentionally make the time to write. I love children and I strongly believe that literacy is key to a child's successful future, because it was for me. My mother taught me to read when I was very young and I started first grade when I was 4 years old. I was always ahead of the other students in my class. If it wasn't for my mother teaching me to read and developing within me the love of reading, I wouldn't have achieved what I have today. I have a quote on my website "Reading helps children achieve their divine destinies." This is something that I am passionate about and the passion drives me.
What is your favorite part about writing? And what would you rather eat worms than do?
Soraya: My favorite part of writing is trying to make the content funny and interesting and of course, understandable. Since I have worked with children for many years, and have two of my own, I can almost get into the mind of a child. I try to think how they would think. They love to laugh and ask a lot of questions. Illustrations are also extremely important with children's books. I spend a lot of time guiding the illustrator as to what I would like and reviewing and making changes where necessary. The illustrations in my books are guided and directed by me as I believe they are critical to conveying the message I want to send. I would never eat worms!
You mentioned that your mother helped you to discover the joy of reading. What were your favorite books while growing up?
Soraya: I loved Pippi Longstocking books, books by Louisa May Alcott, including Little Women, and Nancy Drew mystery books, to name a few. Once I liked a book, I would research what other books that author wrote and then read those as well.
Sounds like you went through a lot of books, and I bet you still like to read. What are you reading right now?
Soraya: I'm reading two nonfiction books: Parting the Waters - America in the King Years 1954-1963 by Taylor Branch and Daughters of the Samurai by Janice Nimura. On the weekends I watch CSPAN's book channel and listen to authors talk about their books. When I hear about a topic that interests me, I order the book.
As we all know, there's more to life than reading, writing and working. When you have a few free moments, what do you like to do?
I love to read to children. I volunteer and read at Head Start Programs, clinics, schools - where ever and whenever I can.
Since you have so much to do with children and helping them grow, I'm curious - What was your biggest wish as a child?
Soraya - I wanted to become an author and a lawyer. I never thought that I would be a children's author though.
Well, I think you found a perfect place as a writer. The books are adorable. Can we expect more works from you in the future?
Soraya - Yes, definitely. I will have my 4th book released by the end of the year hopefully- It's Not About You Mr. Easter Bunny - A Love Letter About The True Meaning Of Easter It is already finished and illustrated and on its way to the publishing company. I will also have one out about the 4th of July. I'm researching and writing that one now.
I'll have to keep my eyes open for that one too, and I can't wait to see what
other holidays you might add to the series. Thanks for stopping by!
If you're curious about the other books in the series, I reviewed It's Not About You, Mr. Pumpkin over on Bookworm for Kids here.
And don't forget about It's Not About You, Mrs. Turkey over on Bookworm for Kids today!
To round it off, you might want to take a peek at It's Not About You, Mr. Santa Claus for the next coming holiday already too . . .
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