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Wednesday, March 25, 2015

What's Up Wednesday!

Good morning, Wednesday! It's another bright day with massive storms in the forecast, but that's not the point. Today, it's time for another edition of. . . 

What's Up Wednesday!!!

And unfortunately, it's the last. 

Thanks to the lovely duo, Jaime Morrow and Erin L. Funk, who have kept this hop going and allowed us to share all sorts of things with each other. It was fun, and I'll definitely miss it!

What I'm Reading

I've read more than last week, but then that's not exactly hard. I finished up TAKING ANGELS a YA paranormal romance by C.S. Yelle. It's well written and an easy read, just right for those moments to simply enter another time and space.

I'm currently reading ADAMANT by Emma Adams and enjoying it! I'll get back to that one next week.

What I'm Writing

Still revising, although this last week was a lot slower due to stomach flu issues and such. Kids at home definitely puts a damper on this end.

What Works for Me

Leaving the laptop on the dining room table open and ready. When life gets busy and full of interruptions, this is the only way I'll get anything done. Then, when I suddenly have a second, I can slide into the chair and type before shooting off to another task or emergency. It doesn't mean a ton of writing time, but even a little is better than none.

What Else I'm Up To

Stomach flu, obviously. But who wants to concentrate on such things?

Saturday was auction day, and although I didn't get the furniture I was hoping for, I found other goodies, including a table and chair set for my patio. Now, when the weather is nice, I can sit outside and sip iced tea.

Sunday we went to the zoo and out to lunch for my daughter's birthday. We had a grand old time.

My parents finally sold their farm and are now in search of a fitting one in this area. We only have two months to find one, so the last day or two have meant a ton of phone time and computer searches. But we're excited.

And last but not least, it's about baby goat time! Yep, our goats are on the verge of bringing new little ones into the world. I spent the day yesterday scrubbing out a special area of the pen so the mommy can have her peace and quiet. As soon as they're born, I'll make sure to post pictures. We've never done this before, so it's an exciting moment.

And what about you? What happened this week? Get a lot of reading done? Did the keyboard smoke from typing speed? Did you finally find your way out of the revision cave? See the first flower? Listen to the birds twitter? What's Up with you????


  1. Bummer about the stomach flu and bummer that this is the last WUW. :( But yayayyy baby goats. I LOVE goats! I used to work on a farm in the summer as a kid and I loved feeding the goats at 7 am….I did not like it so much when they tried to eat my sweatshirt but hey. ;-)

  2. Eww to the stomach flu, but yay to baby goat time! Hope you are feeling better soon, =)

  3. Sorry to hear about the illness, but I'm glad you're enjoying ADAMANT! ^_^

  4. Rachel - The kids got it worse than I. Lol! If you have baby goat experience, you should come and help ;)

    Mere Joyce - Thanks! It looks like the rounds are almost done.

    Emma - Yep, got to put up that review ;)

  5. Iccckkk! Stomach flus are the worst! Hope you're feeling better!

  6. Oh dear, I hope you're feeling better soon! I like leaving my laptop on the table, too - although it's also the only real work space I have. ;) Have a great week!

  7. Yay, baby goats!!! ^_^
    I can't wait to see them!

    That's a good idea keeping the computer ready. I notice I get a lot more work done when I leave my document open. One less step to take. :)

    I hope the bug is on its way out!

  8. You've got a lot of "what's up" going on. I'm spreading loads of free mulch this week - all week. Take care of the tummy. Hope you survive the school break (smile).

  9. Hope your parents find the place they want.
    Sorry you've been sick.
    Sorry What's Up Wednesday is ending. I know it's hard to keep such things going. I'm grateful the IWSG is still going strong.

  10. Baby goats! They must be so cute! And feel better!

  11. Oh no about the stomach flu! :( But it sounds like things are better? Yay for goats and zoo outings though. :) Have a great week!

  12. Yay for baby goats! Boo for stomach flu!

  13. Stomach flu--nooo! That sucks. I hope you're feeling better. I will send anti-nauseous thoughts.

    Man, that's too bad about What's Up Wednesday. Any way you can start your own? You don't have to stop giving updates just b/c it's over, you know!

    The goats are having babies already? It seems like just yesterday they were kids! Sorry--I couldn't resist! And I think your open-laptop idea is a great one. Those little moments add up!

    Wait--your folks sold their farm to . . . buy another farm?

    Let's see . . . this week I send the first book in my new series off to the copyeditor, and send the second one to OH YEAH--MY BETAS!! :-D

  14. Hope you're feeling better. Leaving the laptop on is a great tip. I always log off and logging back on always feels like such an effort.

  15. You're welcome! And thank you for participating!

    I really need to follow your example and try to fit in little bits of writing more often. My laptop is open on the dining room table all day too, but I'm not great with writing in short stints.

    Hope your flu woes are over and good luck with baby goat season!:)

  16. I don't have kids to deal with, but I definitely understand leaving the computer up and running. Mine is on pretty much whenever I'm home, just in case I think of something when I'm not using it. Eh heh heh.

    And what's up for me this week is picking up a plot I hadn't touched since January, finding it's weirder than I remembered, and starting up work on it again. I look forward to seeing if I can actually make it all make sense. O_o


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