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Friday, October 13, 2017

Celebrate The Small Things

This weekly blog hop is sponsored by the amazing Lexa Cain,  and co-hosted by L.G. Keltner from Writing Off the Edge and myself. 

What exactly are we celebrating?

Every week, wonderful things happen, tiny things, which make us smile. But as time grabs us up, we forget all about these moments as if they never existed at all. This is the chance for us to reflect back on those and remember that there are tons of things worth celebrating.

This week, I'm celebrating. . . 

1) A Halloween table cloth! It's black with tons of happy jack'o lanterns. Every time I walk by (which is an awful lot), I can't help but smile back.

2) Writing time! I've had lots of it this week, but then, I have TONS of writing to get done. I'm beginning to feel like I'm drowning but that's more because I'm the slowest writer in the world than actual time constraints. I think I got 2 pages done in 3 hours yesterday. (I was having a hard time sinking into the scene). But, I had those three hours. So yay!

3) The ARCs came out yesterday for FULL DARK! (see goodreads here), and it has a cover. . .a very dark one, of course.

4) Temperature drops! The weather is pretending to be on a roller coaster, but that means that we're finally leaving those upper 80's and lower 90's (it isn't right for it to be that hot here in October. . .how can I drink my hot apple cider???) But we had a sudden drop Tuesday from 88 to 65 degrees. Heavenly! But tomorrow it's suppose to be back up to 90 and Sunday drop down to 62. It's just crazy!

And what about you? What put a smile on your face this last week?
Skip across the parking lot?
Find the perfect seat on the bus?
Discover your favorite dessert just begging for you to eat it?

What are you celebrating???


  1. Great looking cover.
    Our weather has also been on a roller coaster, with a lot of big hills.

  2. Slow writer here, too!

    It usually starts to get cooler here around now but this year? Not so much. Still hot hot hot.

  3. Yay, cover!! ^_^

    I know that drowning feeling. Haha. But lots of writing time is great! And you're making good use of it. ^_^

  4. I write fast, but delete a lot. I need to post about the anthology. I'll put that on my to-do list for next post.

    1. Congrats on your inclusion in Full Dark. The cover looks great.

  5. Love the cover of Full Dark. Very cool. I've added it to my list (not officially yet - as there are only 20 spots on my Goodreads 'to read' list) Congrats on your inclusion in Full Dark.
    I don't know if I'm a fast or slow writer...maybe both. I do know that when I'm a roll, the typos multiply exponentially. Maybe I hold the world record for typos in a first draft ms

  6. I'm glad I'm not the only one who's happy about the temperature dropping. Trying to warm up is so much better than trying to cool off. ^_^

  7. You finally have time to write too! I feel so productive actually managing to punch out more than one blog post this week. I'm glad it's not just me!

    Also, as for temperature? I'm so glad. I DESPISE the heat and yet I live in California. @_@

  8. Congratulations on your new cover and having time to write. That's really something to celebrate.

  9. That cover looks great! Well done on all the writing. You've had a great week :-)

  10. That's a great cover! It pulls one right in. Meanwhile, my picture book, Dragonella, just came out. I'm celebrating that.

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