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Friday, August 31, 2018

Celebrate Those Small Things - a super short list this week!

It's time to celebrate the small things!!!

What exactly are we celebrating?

Anything. . .everything! Every week, things happen which put a smile on our faces. Although some are hard to forget, others are more passing moments. But it's these small things in life which can make all the difference.

Thanks to Lexa Cain and her co-host, L.G. Keltner from Writing Off the Edge, we can sit back for a second and remember these happy moments.

This week, I'm celebrating. . .

1) My husband being home! This is one of those bitter/sweet celebrations. As a trucker, he isn't home but on weekends. However, he was home for 5 days this last weekend... (now, comes the bitter part)...because his truck broke down and was in the shop. But he's back on the road and was glad for the mini-vacation.

2) Cooler weather! Last weekend, it was up in the mid-90s again and was horribly humid. I am not a hot-humid fan. Luckily, it's cooled down to the mid-70s and rainy. I even wore a light sweater today! Fall weather, here we come!

And that's about it for this week...although it wasn't as boring as my celebrations make it sound. It was crazy and had to do with a ton of driving, but in a life silliness sort of way. So, I'm leaving it at that.

What put a smile on your face this week? Already contemplate a Halloween costume? See a rainbow? Find a pretty paperclip?

What are you celebrating?

Friday, August 17, 2018

Celebrate Those Small Thing - Oh yes!

It's time to celebrate the small things!!!

What exactly are we celebrating?

Anything. . .everything! Every week, things happen which put a smile on our faces. Although some are hard to forget, others are more passing moments. But it's these small things in life which can make all the difference.

Thanks to Lexa Cain and her co-host, L.G. Keltner from Writing Off the Edge, we can sit back for a second and remember these happy moments.

This week, I'm celebrating. . .

1) Cantaloupe! My youngest brother keeps a garden, and this year he raised cantaloupe. Wow, did that stuff grow (considering so many other things didn't thanks to our wacky, hot, ridiculous weather this Summer). This week, I've received 4 juicy, round cantaloupe. Which is great, except with everyone basically gone, that's 4 big, juicy cantaloupe all for me. I think I'm gaining a slightly orange hue to my skin. But hey, my parents have to chomp through 18, since my brother refuses to eat any of it.

2) Dedications and edits! Writing is going smoothly...well, not on my WIP, but that's another story. MUSIC BOXES received a thorough edit, and I handed in a dedication a couple of days ago. Everything is on schedule, which means ARCs are hitting the world in a only a few short weeks. It's fun to watch the process!

3) Three black kitties! I'd take a picture but these little guys are SO shy. Two months ago, I saw two peer out around behind a corner in the milk barn, but only twice. Then, I didn't see them for a very long time, so I assumed something had gotten them. (Forests and farms have lots of evil, kitty eating creatures looming in the shadows) About two weeks ago, my daughter discovered one between the hay bales. That was the only one anybody saw. But yesterday, when I went to feed the mom and dad, all of a sudden, three kittens cautiously came out into the open. Maybe there are more???

That wraps up this week. What about you? What put a smile on your face? Did you wrestle a tiger and win? Sip a wonderfully warm cup of tea? Eat a delicious piece of candy?

What are you celebrating?

Friday, August 3, 2018

Celebrate the Small Things... If I can catch up

It's time to celebrate the small things!!!

What exactly are we celebrating?

Anything. . .everything! Every week, things happen which put a smile on our faces. Although some are hard to forget, others are more passing moments. But it's these small things in life which can make all the difference.

Thanks to Lexa Cain and her co-host, L.G. Keltner from Writing Off the Edge, we can sit back for a second and remember these happy moments.

This week, I'm celebrating. . .

Holy crow! This week trampled by, leaving me blinking at the passing dust. I completely missed IWSG and almost flew through this lovely hop too.  But here, I am! So.......

1) Cool weather! Lots of it (although it could have brought more rain). Still, I'm happy! I could actually work outside without swimming in sweat the entire time. The temperatures have eased back into the 90s the last few days, but the nights are in the lower 60s, which, at least, cools things down. Super YAY to that!

2) Moving my son out! Okay, this is one of those celebrations, which is not necessarily one. (He's my strong helper for the farm, which leaves now, only me and the two younger ones *le sigh*) He's finally moving to the main campus to continue his next degree. My daughter's been up there since last year, so we were expecting him to make the move for some time. It went smoothly, and I'm sure he'll survive very well.

3) Finished painting the front deck! I still have the back one to go, but progress is progress.

On the writing front...

Editing has been the key word the last two weeks and will still be next week. Editing... editing... editing. BUT I have been poking at a different MS too. Pure editing makes for a dull mind.

And that's it for my week!

How about you? What put a smile on your face these past days? Did you try to eat 3 jelly doughnuts in an hour (this is my younger son's idea)? Have a chance to take a stroll somewhere you've never been before? See a beautiful sunset?

What are you celebrating?