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Friday, November 24, 2017

Celebrate the Small Things - until next week!

This weekly blog hop is sponsored by the amazing Lexa Cain,  and co-hosted by L.G. Keltner from Writing Off the Edge and myself. 

Here's hoping that everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving!

After stuffing my stomach full with wonderfully delicious foods, a sudden decision was made to head on a big road trip (820 miles one way) to northern Minnesota for the baptism of my new nephews, an adorable set of twin boys. 
We're only going for 2-3 days, so this will be quite the drive.

Hoping to share pictures next week.

Until then, have a wonderful week and don't forget to celebrate all those small things.


  1. A spontaneous road trip? Cool. I recently saw a little story on Route 66, and I've decided to add LA to Chicago on Route 66 to my 'bucket list'. Can't beat a road trip!

  2. That is one long road trip - I think the only time I've traveled so long in such a short time was when I moved to Washington. Doing such a drive for only a few days... yikes. >_<

  3. Being able to celebrate this holiday with family is wonderful. Looking forward to the picture.

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