It's time for another edition of. . .
This is a weekly blog hop sponsored by the amazing Lexa Cain, and co-hosted by L.G. Keltner from Writing Off the Edge and myself. Every week, wonderful things happen, tiny things, which make us smile. But as time grabs us up, we forget all about those moments. This is the chance for us to reflect back on those and remember that there are tons of things worth celebrating.
This week, I'm celebrating. . .
Cooler temperatures! It is about 10 degrees cooler this week, but with 70-80% humidity, stepping out the door still means sweating like a waterfall. Still, we can do the chores without falling over and gasping for air somewhere in the weeds. I didn't lie in the weeds (too many ticks and chiggers), but some of my family members did. Such situations call for a spray down with the garden hose!
Rainbows! Several rain clouds have pulled over this week, and we've been blessed with lovely rainbows over our little valley. Yesterday, we even had a double. Yes, my shovel is at the ready to dig up that pot o' gold. Hmmm...leprechauns in the Ozarks?
What about you? What put a smile on your face this last week? Get some writing done? Climb a mountain? Find a fantastic new Slushie flavor? Get a hair cut?
What are you celebrating?