It's time for another edition of. . .
This is a weekly blog hop sponsored by the amazing Lexa Cain, and co-hosted by L.G. Keltner from Writing Off the Edge and myself. Every week, wonderful things happen, tiny things, which make us smile. But as time grabs us up, we forget all about those moments. This is the chance for us to reflect back on those and remember that there are tons of things worth celebrating.
If you'd like to join in and add a little more joy to your week, then go ahead over to Lexa's or simply pop by the linky below!
This week, I'm celebrating. . .
This is a crazy week (probably for several of you too), so here's the short scoop!
1) My youngest's birthday! She's now a huge nine years old and is feeling pretty big. My hubs had the great idea of decorating my hay trailer and meeting the school bus at the end of our dirt road (yeah, we really live in the boonies). He packed on drums, tambourines, horns, soap bubbles, was quite the parade. And scared our neighbor's cows to death *hehehe*
2) I signed a contract this last week! I'm now an official, professional (*clears throat* I love saying that word) book reviewer. I'll be writing for a new off-shoot of an international book tour company which starts April 1st - The iRead Review. Won't be rags to riches, but I'm hoping to squeeze an ice cream or two out of it.
Enjoy your weekend! And Happy Easter!!!
What about you? What put a smile on your face this last week? See a rabbit hopping by? Catch a snowflake on your nose? Get a lovely glimpse of the moon or stars? What are you celebrating?