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Wednesday, December 2, 2015

IWSG - Writing? What's that?

Happy first Wednesday of the month! That also means it's time for another session of IWSG. This is a support group for writers, which gives us a chance to express our fears, insecurities, thoughts or what-nots AND offer encouragement to others. Thanks, Alex J. Cavanaugh, and all of this month's helpers!

Sandra Hoover, Mark Koopmans, Doreen McGettigan, Megan Morgan, and Melodie Campbell!

With Christmas now charging with a full battle call right at us, I'd be lying if I'd say that I expected to get much writing done. So, I'm going to make this a reflection of this last writing year.

No worries. It's going to be a super fast one.

Writing this year. . .was LAME! I did not get much done and inspiration did not abound. I spent the first half of the year on revisions. Okay, it was a total rewrite. And these last months, I've been fumbling through words but not getting much out. Part of that is due to my snail writing speed. (Yep, I'm not a 'jet out a book every two months' kind of person). Part of it is simply that I'm trying to decide where I want to go from here--what my goals are and where I really want to be. And part of it is the realization that life. . .that thing outside of this computer. . .requires a lot of attention, and I can't ignore that. Not yet. Not ever.

In other words, this year did not bring all I'd hoped--a big contract, a huge advance, writing success beyond my wildest expectations. . . *cough*    Hey, a girl can dream!

But I did get an entire MS rewritten, polished and out the door. I have another one still out. And I have one short in the final stages, and another MS half-way written. (Shhht! It's a secret that this last one is something I pulled off my 'two-year-old' shelf).

So, I'll call it a year, dive into cookies, sing a few carols and let my writer dreams already head toward next year's goals.

And what about you? How did your year go?


  1. Your year and mine both! Has not been great in the realm of writing. I also rewrote something, but it's still pretty terrible, so I call this year a failure almost. The last few days have been good though. ^_^ I have such amazing memories of my mom keeping the house full of goodies over the holidays. She was busy but she loved it, and we did, too!

    1. My mom bake all within 2-3 days and then stuffed the cookies into containers until Christmas. So I try to bake 1-2 batches a day and constantly keep a supply on the counters. Problem is, the kids munch them up before I or my hubs get a single one! Love it :)

  2. I feel the same about this year's writing. I overhauled an old manuscript, but my agent doesn't think it will do well on sub in the current market. She advised me to wait. I wrote three-quarters of a rough draft of another ms, just to understand the story enough to write a complete outline and submit to my publisher. Still waiting to hear on that proposal. I wrote about 30k of a third ms, which I then abandoned. And now I'm starting something new. I'm hopeful that this one will be more engaging ... but no, 2015 didn't feel very productive.

    1. If only we could write several best sellers every year. Maybe 2016?

  3. Hey, if you can get an entire MS rewritten, polished and out the door in a year, you're a fast and productive writer in my opinion. Great work!

    1. When I typed this post, I realized it went better on the writing front than I thought. It didn't hit my real goals by any stretch of the imagination (or even other years), but you're right. It wasn't fruitless either.

  4. I don't crank them out quickly either.
    Sounds like you still had a productive year.

  5. Nice. Progress is progress, eh? I had to stand back too last month and take a look at the year. I'd been so hard on myself because I hadn't been published in any anthologies since January and my next novel is WAY past its deadline, but on the plus side, I got several pieces written that will go in a flash fiction anthology and 50K of my next book drafted down. (Most of it in 3rd draft form...except for the last couple chapters.) We really do have to look at our successes and call ourselves good, eh?

    1. Sounds like you were doing fine. Yep. I think we expect to much of ourselves.

  6. Still sounds like a productive year! I just don't write fast . . . so every thing you listed? Sounds like a dream year for me lol

  7. Those are still some pretty good accomplishments! I don't know how some people make producing a novel seem as easy as a trip to the store, but they do. We can only do our best and learn to be happy with the way we write.

    1. I just read an article the other day from a man who self-publishes kid's books. He claims the only way he makes money is by cranking out 8+ a year. Not that I'm jealous. . .more not sure if he's lying or how good those books really are.

  8. Great progress! Don't sell yourself short. Best wishes on your mss that are out there.

  9. This was a rough year writing-wise for me too. With a ton of things up in the air and uncertain, I took a long break. Then I forced myself to do nanowrimo and that was the kick in the butt I needed...I'm in love with writing again, and I'm so glad. Here's to a great 2016 for the both of us!


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