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Friday, November 20, 2015

Celebrate the Small Things

It's time to Celebrate those Small Things!

Think back. . .and maybe you'll have to try very hard. . .but sometime this last week there was something that put a smile on your face. Today, we think back to that moment and remember that it's those small things which make the difference.

This is a weekly blog hop sponsored by the amazing Lexa Cain, and co-hosted by L.G. Keltner from Writing Off the Edge and myself.  If you'd like to join in and add a little more joy to your week, then go ahead and sign-up on the linky below!

This week, I'm celebrating (and I'm doing the short version because it's a busy week). . .

1) My and my husband's 20th wedding anniversary! 

2) A German food gift from a neighbor. . .they happened to take a visit to Aldi (for anyone who doesn't know, this is actually a grocery store chain from German which just happened to move to the States some years ago and carries German foods among other things)

3) Vension! My husband had his first hunting experience and didn't return empty handed. Which meant a ton of work for me, but now the freezer is full.

4) A successful surgery for my mother-in-law! She's home again and doing great.

And what about you? What wonderful things happened to you this last week? See a last butterfly? A rainbow? Jump into a puddle? Find a great cup of coffee? What small things are you celebrating this week?


  1. Happy anniversary! That's tons of great stuff to celebrate. I'm celebrating having all my Christmas shopping done! :) Have a wonderful weekend.

  2. What a lovely week! Where to start? Happy anniversary! That in itself is a celebration of love, humor, flexibility and determination. I'll have to visit Aldi's. I know they're related to Trader Joe's, which I like, but I think I have only once been in an Aldi's. I shall try. Enjoy venison: it can be tough when cooked like a steak, but in roulade or ground and in chili (do they make that in Germany?) it is wonderful!

    1. I love deer chili...and steaks...and all sorts of things. But you're right about the toughness.

  3. Happy anniversary! And great news about your mother-in-law.

  4. So glad your mother in-law is doing well. We've heard Aldi is a great store, but we don't have any near here. Have a great weekend.

    1. I don't think Aldi is wide-spread. Have a great weekend too!

  5. Happy Anniversary, and glad to hear your MIL is doing well, =) Hope you have some great celebrating this weekend!

  6. Congratulations on your wedding anniversary! Also, very glad to hear your mother-in-law is all right. Finding specialty foods is always so nice! This week, I found the perfect specialty coffee gift for my cousin. :-)

    OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU PREPARED A DEER. I am both awed and a little horrified. I mean, that can't exactly be a pretty picture. :-P I am always one step away from fainting at the sight of blood.

    1. Ooo...specialty coffee is nice. :)
      As to deer - I learned a long time ago to go with the flow (my family is a bit out there). I can't say that preparing a deer is my favorite thing. Nope. Especially since I end up really doing the whole thing by myself...
      *grumble* Yeah, there might be a bit of negative feelings in this area...although the meat is good. Concentrate on the positive side, right?

  7. Happy Anniversary! I'm in awe of anyone who can butcher their own meat. That's the kind of tough, no nonsense attitude that built our society. You rock!

    1. Lol! There's a lot to be said for buying it ready at the store too ;) But you're right, it's a good thing to know how to do. Survival during zombies???

  8. Happy Anniversary! Glad your mother-in-law is OK. Have a great weekend :)

  9. Lots of things to celebrate We have Aldi stores in Australia too... Love discovering different foods there:)

    1. Wow, Aldi is there too? They are bigger than I thought.

  10. OMG, Happy Anniversary to you guys!! 20 years! So much wow. ^_^

    My dad is still trying to get his hands on some fresh venison. Lol!

    1. My hubs was so proud of himself that he got one. As a European, hunting isn't something he's really tried too much of before, but luck was with him. Actually, I ended up bribing a neighborhood kid into selling me one of his last year. cheating? Good luck to your dad!

  11. Happy anniversary! That's great about your mother-in-law.

  12. Happy anniversary! 20 years is a real milestone! And fresh venison isn't bad either.

    1. Too bad he didn't get the meat before our anniversary! Lol!

  13. Congrats on making it to 20 years, and good to hear your mother-in-law is doing ok.

  14. Quite frankly, I'm just happy I survived this week. >_< It's been one thing after another, every single day. But it's over and this coming week should be good.

    And congratulations to you and your husband on 20 years! That is definitely something worth celebrating.

    1. One day at a time, and making it through is worth celebrating! On to next week :)

  15. I'm late, but wishing you a Happy Anniversary!!!!! and a Happy Thanksgiving!!!


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